Monday, April 20, 2009

Okay so umm wow!

I pretty much convinced myself I wasn't. I even had a drink last night - oops! So this afternoon I was in a funk and thought I would just get the torture and the crying over with. I go to the store... buy a 3 pack of HPTs and a digital for good measure...

I come home and POAS to find this within 3 seconds:

I didn't have to squint or anything. It is just there. I AM PREGNANT. Of course I have looked at this thing every 2 seconds since to make sure I am not imagining things and it is still here. Two lines!

So I call Scott. I say I am pregnant he says "cool" then he says "I hope there is two or less in there" and the freak out has begun for him and the disbelief has begun for me. I can not wait until Wednesday for my Beta and I will probably POAS every second until then!

Symptoms: None. I have felt like every other cycle. The bloat never went away and usually it does in the second week. But other then that I feel like the person I always am on progesterone. Nothing would have convinced me I was pregnant. Nothing!


Allison said...

Coming out of lurkerdom to say CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

(I had previously seen you around the Nest boards when I was hanging out on TTTC and some other boards and have been following for a couple of months now) Sending loads and loads of sticky dust! H&H 9 months to you :)

Janice said...

i somehow stumbled on your blog through the nest a while back and bookmarked it and have been following it for some time now. and i just want to say how happy i am for you! congratulations on your PREGNANCY!!!! i wish nothing but health and happiness for you and you baby(ies) these next 9 months. congrats again!

sunflowerchilde said...

Congrats!!!!! This is awesome news! I'm so happy to read of another BFP this month!

Bluebird said...

Acccckkkk!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS, sweet girl! Soooo excited for you!

LanY said...

Woooohoooo!!! Congratulations! I am sooo happy that you took that test! Here's to a H&H 9months.

Kristen said...

What a BEAUTIFUL photo! Congratulations!!!

Flower said...

YES!!!Thank you Lord...Congrats

Bella said...

Wooohoooooo! Congrats!!!!!! So happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for your beta #!

Lady Lazarus said...

Since I ran across your blog & commented about the lady who made you feel so bad, I just had a feeling this was going to go your way. I haven't left any comments because I lost my password, but I've been following along, biting my nails all the way. I've got my fingers crossed that it all goes well over the next few weeks. I'm headed in for an ultrasound tomorrow & to pick up meds. I was a poor responder first time around, so they cancelled. I've been waiting almost two months to get back into the game. In a week I'll know if the new protocol works.

Kris said...

Krissy I am so excited for you. I have been following your blog for a little over a year now! I have been rooting for you every single cycle! Congratulations on your little miracle. I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months! I got my BFP Yesterday too!

Kim said...

Congratulations! How exciting..I am so thrilled for you. Enjoy your pregnancy!

The Kothe Clan said...

Wonderful news! When I finally got my BFP, I had no symptoms for a good couple of weeks. Try to just enjoy this moment. Enjoy peeing on a stick!

kim said...

Congratulations! How wonderful!

Disneylover1971 said...

Congrats Kris on your BFP as well.

Thank you all for your well wishes. I can still not believe it, but I POAS again today and the line is slightly darker - so maybe this really is real!

The Kothe Clan said...

Now we get to play the Beta game!!!!

Marielle0430 said...


Jennifer and Daniel said...

I have been lurking on your case for a long time, praying for you fervently (I hope that's not weird.) I am so excited your wishes finally came true.

Kris said...

Thanks Krissy! You really are pregnant! Finally after 5 years! I can't tell you how happy I am for you. I seriously cried and am trying not cry right now. You and Scott will have a christmas elf! :)

Adinda said...

Coming out of lurking to say Congratulations!! I found your blog through the nest and have been following your story for awhile now. Here is to a happy and healthy 9 months! Congrats again! =)

Damsel in need of De-Stress! said...


this is AMAZING!!! who cares if there are 3...what a miracle!!!

Sarah Y said...

i also have been following you for a few months now and think and pray for u often. I am so so SO happy for you and your husband! i got all teary eyed when i told my husband about this! Cannot wait to hear your # tomorrow! We are all anxiously waiting!!!