Thursday, April 9, 2009

Egg Retrieval and doubts

I had my egg retrieval yesterday. They had me trigger Monday night at 1am for a 1pm retrieval on Wednesday. I triggered at 1am on the dot. The instructions were for Scott to produce his sample before coming in. He did at about 11am and then we took the 45 minute ride into the clinic with me holding his sperm under my arm pit the whole way.

We got there at about noon and they waited until 12:15 to call me back to the waiting area where I got changed into a gown and waited. At about 1pm the retrieval doctor that day came out and told me they were running a bit behind, but they will come get me shortly. Then the nurse came by 5 minutes later. We asked if the sperm would be okay waiting all this time, since Scott was here he could produce a new sample if necessary. We want our boys as fresh as possible. The nurse assured me they did this all the time, and if andrology thought they needed another sample he would be called. So we waited some more.

At about 1:30 I was brought back to the OR. The anesthesiologist started the IV and next thing I know I was back in the holding area and asking how many eggs I had. The nurse said "they are still counting them" To which I thought "wow, maybe there is a lot"

She had me eat crackers and drink some ginger ale then got Scott from the waiting area. Still no word on my eggs at that point. She told me the doctor would come and speak to me in a minute. Why would a doctor need to speak to me? At the old clinic a doctor never came and spoke to someone after retrieval. Does that mean they want to gently tell me they got no eggs? It is amazing all the fear that runs through your head when no one is telling you anything.

So about 15 minutes goes by, the nurse comes again to get me dressed and then tells me the doctor is doing an egg transfer and can not talk to me. She tells me I have 6 eggs and that was what they were hoping for. But I had 9 follicles, why would you not hope for 9? She said it is common for some follicles to be empty. That never happened to me before? Each time I had eggs for each follicle I had and with my last one, some were even hiding.

So now I am doubting my choice to switch clinics. My last clinic always got my follicles. Every single one I had. Was the fact they ran so late a contributing factor? Did some eggs release before I was brought back to ER? I know there is nothing I can do at this point. I got the fertilization report this morning and four out of the six fertilized. My only hope now is to pray for those four to grow at the rate that they should and I can transfer them back home on Monday. I will get another report Saturday morning. Grow little ones, grow!

1 comment:

Damsel in need of De-Stress! said...

its easy to plant seeds of doubt...but if i remember correctly they changed up your drugs and dosing amount right? That could probably change things a bit.

I think your choice to move was probably for the best...the other clinic was stressing you out which we know was not helping in things..

big hugs and fingers crossed!