Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I tested today.

And I saw the sight I have seen so many million times before. A stark white pee stick. Nada nothing. Thanks for playing - but you lose.

I called Scott at work and all he could say was "They told you not to test for a reason - just wait until Friday" Well I know and you all know that 12dp3dt or other wise known as 15dpo I should have gotten a pretty accurate result. So it is done. Of course there are things that are making me doubt the accuracy, I have lived in the land of denial for a long time. Until AF shows, it isn't over and all that crap. I didn't use FMU. I held my urine though, but maybe not long enough? Maybe I got a defective test? Maybe this brand of test is not as sensitive as others I should have bought - never buy the ones on sale damn it! Maybe they implanted late? Maybe Scott is right???

I cried for a second, but I feel mostly numb. I have looked at this test at every different angle and for far longer then the advised 10 minutes and am convincing myself that there is a light line there - Of course after 10 minutes, there might be. But I know it took longer then the 10 to show up, which means null and void. An evap and nothing more.

I really don't know how I should react to this. I guess I am pretty used to this sight and this feeling. I thought it would hurt more then it does, but it had never been. Never for close to 6 years now. So that feeling of distraught is replaced by anger and disbelief. I will jump on the horse again. I have a snow baby as well.

This is only strike one - I have two more at bats.


Genuine Risk said...

i wish i could just wrap you in a hug! Dont beat yourself up...the pee test didnt jinx you at dont beat yourself up.

Friday is right around the corner...who knows you may have got a defunked test...

Echloe said...

I'm so sorry.

Jody jsusann said...

Oh Honey, I'm so sorry. I know exactly the feeling you are having right now. When you don't know what to feel. It's just not frign' fair, when you go through so much physical and emotional "stuff" everyday to get a miracle some people just go "ooops!" over. It's NOT FAIR!!! My heart goes out to you, but hang in there, you have a beautiful snowbaby and lots of prayers behind you.

my hope my faith my love said...

So sorry, my heart breaks for you.