Thursday, September 11, 2008


Just when I think I might be pregnant BAM my body plays tricks on me. For days I have been so tired and so achey and so crampy. I was really starting to be hopeful.

This morning I wake up and besides a runny nose from the cold I seem to be getting, I feel nothing. I am energized, the dull cramps have gone and I am not even feeling my sore butt anymore. Today I am convinced it failed and we will have to try again.

I can not believe I have to wait one more week for testing. Next Friday seems to be miles away and Scott doesn't think we should test before hand. He thinks that if I do it could be a false positive, even though the hcg should be pretty much out of my system by now. Or a false negative and he doesn't want me to be bummed out.

So I guess we wait.

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