Monday, September 15, 2008

Avoidance of the family planning aisle.

If I can avoid it while grocery shopping or going to the drug store, no one will get hurt. But as the days get closer and closer to 14dpo (or egg retrieval), it gets harder and harder. That day is Wednesday.

Scott and I agreed to wait until beta day, which isn't until 14dp3dt... We want to listen to the message together. Scott does not want me to POAS in fear that it would not be accurate. I know that with having BETA so late that chances are by Thursday (15 days past egg retrieval) it will be accurate though and I am not sure if I can make it.

Yes, we agreed - or he talked me into it. But for years I picture the "surprise" element of a BFP. You know the one that we visioned for so many months when we thought sex could get someone pregnant. The bun in the oven. The "baby" carrots and "baby" back ribs for dinner.... The picture of a PREGNANT hpt all wrapped up in a box. I would love to do something like that, I have seen his face in my mind when seeing the surprise for many months and many years. Although if I do it now, he would still need the BETA to confirm. Just like I think I would need the beta to confirm. But there is something to be said for seeing two lines. Two amazing lines! Those things actually make two lines, or so I have been told!

As you can see from the above, I pretty much have convinced myself that I am pregnant. I peed three times at the Red Sox game yesterday (plus before I left the house and when I returned). I NEVER pee at a Red Sox game and I wasn't even drinking beer. Oh and the "If they win, it means I am pregnant" thing I do told me so - they won 4-3.

Next - I have a yeast infection. Yes, I have gotten them before. But it has been said that yeast infections can happen during early pregnancy. And I have not had one in about 2 years.

Then the third thing - I cried over a cheeseburger last night. I wanted a Jack Attack from a local restaurant, it is basically a big mac made fresh and with real meat. My sister placed an order for us, a large order... and they forgot my burger. So because we knew it would take another hour for that burger to come my sister offered half of her salad. NO. Scott offered me half his sub. NO. I wanted that damn burger, so what does any rational person do - cry. Like a two year old.

So when my mother looked at me with the "I know you are pregnant" look she has been giving me this past week (she does my shots, so I see her all the time) I turned to her and said "It is just the progesterone - it mimics early pregnancy symptoms" and I half believe that... but I still can't shake this feeling that this thing worked. There - I said it!


Genuine Risk said...

I am crossing my fingers for you....

MP1648 said...

I really, really hope you are!!!!