Monday, March 30, 2009

Signs. Signs. Everywhere are signs.

Do you believe in signs? I am not 100% sure I do. I mean, through the years, I have had them before and obviously since I am writing a blog about adventures in the world of IVF those signs never panned out, but still I look and I wonder... maybe this time they DO mean something? I sure hope that they do anyway.

First, is somewhat silly. My horoscope and tarot card thing I have on face book. Each day they both tell me that change is about to happen, that fights will be won. Yesterday, it had something about some medical thing involving children. How dead on could horoscopes be?

Next. Ever since I could remember I have wanted a Christmas baby. I am not sure why exactly. How stressful to be a new mother right around the holidays? But how exciting to have that gift waiting for me "under the tree". Well I thought my chances of that were out when I first started this cycle. If I calculated my EDD with my regular cycle, all I could hope for was an early January baby. That all changed with the early arrival of AF though... now calculating I will have an EDD of December 27th! Of course, I am calculating using the first possible day of egg retrieval, and a number of things such as an early delivery could hamper the Christmas baby. But I am excited by the possibility.

Now, pushing the sign thing way over board... My birthday is November 8th. Scott's birthday is January 19th... Add 8 and 19 together and what do you have...27! See, told you I was pushing it!

So I would like to believe that everything is going my way and nothing could prevent this from working, except history of it not working. Which is a huge factor. But all I have to rely on now is hope and faith and medical miracles. Adding up signs is all I can do at this point. I think it keeps me from having a nervous breakdown? Somewhat.


Flower said...

Those are so kind of signs. Gotta mean something right?

Praying those signs turn out to be right....BFP.

sunflowerchilde said...

I don't know if I believe in signs anymore, but I have a similar schedule to yours if things work out for me this momth (HPT on Easter, due date around Christmas), so I'm hoping those are good signs too!

I wanted to also say I really sympathize with what you and your husband are going through right now with his father. I had a similar experience with my own father quite a few years ago and it was really, really hard. Having to deal with that along with IF treatment - I can't even imagine. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.