Monday, March 16, 2009

The witches tale

About five years ago a woman came into my work. She is an older woman, about 65. She was doing this thing with necklaces to all the women around. They would make a wish, hold out the palm of their hand and if the necklace moved back and forth they would have a boy. In circles, a girl... "Oh, do me" I said, excitedly because at the time we had only been trying for a short time although no one knew (funny how short to me is a year) .

I wished with all my might. Held my palm out and she did her thing... "Hmm" she said. "You are not going to have children" I looked at her and said "Yes I am" and got the reply "Nope, I have done this thousands of times and have never been wrong, you will not have children"

I remember going home devastated and telling Scott all about it, he of course said how silly all that stuff is. He assured me that a person can move your hand any which way and get the response you want. Then he did it with my necklace and moved it back and forth and said "See, we will have a boy!"

Five years later and you know the story.

The reason I bring it up now is that I see this woman at least once a year. Last night was the once of this year. Each time I see her the pain of her witches tale gets brought back. Like she almost is reactivating some hex she has placed on me. I went home last night and told Scott I saw her. He didn't remember the story and I reminded him... I told him I wanted to find someplace that removed hexes. I am somewhat serious. Maybe I should head into Salem one day before the retrieval takes place, just in case.

I would like not to give power to this woman, a woman who does not particularly like me or my family. I would like to just forget it and move on. But as of this point, her tale is true. I can not wait until the day I get to go up to her and say she is wrong. I hope that day is soon.


Lisa said...

wow, how hard that must be. You WILL have children!!

Lady Lazarus said...

In my witchy world, I've always found fortune telling to be somewhat distasteful, especially in a group setting. What a show-boater! No one can predict the future! The future is always mutable. What I have learned over the years is that the best magic has to offer someone is intention to shape the future and the lessons for our lives; we provide that for ourselves. We can get help from others, but the real magic comes from within. That may sound cornball but that's been my experience. You are already correct...this woman has no power over you. But if you feel you must, go cast a spell for yourself. There's a new moon coming; that's the best time to banish ill will, between the full & new moon. Be creative! It's all about get out of a ritual the opposite of how you got into it. Use a regular old broom...sweep the bad out and the good in.

Infertility certainly brings out the fighter in women. To get knocked down time & time again, but get back up again to fight another day. I never thought I could suffer so much despair only to get right back on the horse like some sort of glutton for punishment. This fight has taught you an appreciation for life and an understanding of grief that the woman with her necklace trick & careless words has strangely missed.

From everything I've read, I think you have a lot of reason to hope.

Disneylover1971 said...

Thank you Lady Lazurus, your words struck something in me I can not even describe!