Thursday, March 12, 2009

Am I really a junky?

Besides shooting up nightly in bathrooms at the bar I work at I get a little tingle when I hear from the pharmacy that the drugs are on their way. Not to mention the mad dash for the door once the drug dealer er umm UPS guy rings the bell. Date circled on the calender my stash will be here next week.

Of course along with my "habit" comes a nice hefty credit card bill a few weeks later. According to my RE Braville is cheaper then Gonal F. So why was the total almost 1k more then I paid last time? I need one more vial a night of Braville. Ovidrel is more expencive the Noverell. Oh the progesterone suppositories I was so thrilled to take over PIO is not covered by insurance, but the PIO was last time. Great. So now I am left with the dilema of paying to not shoot up or to say "hello sore and bruised butt" for two weeks.

So I have to call the RE tomorrow and see if he will let me do Noverell over Ovidrel. Still debating the PIO though. Not that is was horrible, not until the last couple of days of having to take shots when I knew the outcome was negative. But the inconvenience of finding a time right for Scott and I to do the shot. Before I go to work, after he gets home from work and goes to the gym. Night after night after night. I was looking forward to a two week wait without shots. But is $269 worth convenience? That is a flight to California! Ugg.

I guess I will pull down my big girl panties and suck up the shots. Ugg.

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