Monday, January 12, 2009

Triggering tonight!

Sorry I have not updated my blog in a while. I am just *trying* not to focus to heavily on the numbers and take on day at a time. I think too often we compare our E2 and follicle sizes to everyone else, and over think things. I need to have faith in my clinic and trust they know when a good time to trigger is. Which according to them it is with 9-10 measurable follies and an E2 of 1820.

I did have an interesting run in with my RE today. She lectured me on the dangers of caffiene in a cycle. Even though I was drinking decaf. I will not focus on that though, lets just say it put a bad taste in my mouth for this doctor whom I hardly ever saw this past year. She did not come off very professional. It cemented my decision to move on to Boston IVF should this cycle not work.

I am going to try to remain optimistic for this cycle. All I hope for is 8-10 eggs at retrieval. Keep your fingers crossed!

1 comment:

shawnandlarissa said...

Yeah. The coffee lecture is way out of line.