Sunday, January 18, 2009

Transfer complete

Yesterday we transfered two 8 cell embryos. My clinic does not use a grading system but the embryologist said they looked "wonderful" and that there was no doubt that at day 3 those were the best of the bunch. She said all the others were doing well, but there were the clear leaders.

My nurse said I should be very proud that the embies looked terrific.

So now on to the long two week wait.


Andrea said...

I'm glad things went well and the that the blasts looked perfect:) I hope this 2ww is a quick one.

The Kothe Clan said...

So happy to hear that. I hope the next two weeks goes fast!

Bella said...

Yay! Good luck!

Kris said...

I am super excited for you. I hope you come out preggo! I have been hoping and praying that you get to be a mommy very soon.