Friday, January 16, 2009

Fert Report

Out of the 11 retrieved, 9 were mature and 8 fertilized naturally. My prayers were answered and I have double the amount I had for IVF #1.

:::deep breath:::

One small victory. On to another, that they all grow and continue to grow strong.

My clinic does not give daily updates, they say that they do not like to look at the embryo's to often to risk ruining their quality. So they look to see if they fertilize, then do not look at them again until CD3. So in turn, I will not know anything until about 2 hours before I am scheduled to arrive for transfer. So all I can do is pray. Send some mojo to my little ones, and hope that at least 6 will grow strong and beautiful. That will be my target number, I don't need all - just some. Enough for freeze and enough for transfer. That is my goal.

I will get a call on Saturday either telling me to come in as planned or to reschedule for Monday. Torture. A lesson in patience. I hate being last minute for anything. Knowing me, I will be awake at 6am showered, dressed and waiting for the phone to ring. Pacing the hall way. Praying for a bump to Monday.

Fingers and every other part of my body is crossed right now. That is all I can do.


Andrea said...

My fingers and toes are crossed, too:) Grow, embies, grow!!!!

Bella said...

Thinking of your little beans! I hope they grow, grow, grow!!