Friday, May 1, 2009

It is starting to hit me

No, not symptoms. I still feel nothing on that front. But I am pregnant. All my hard work and effort, time and money paid off. I am part of the small 35% of people who get pregnant with IVF in my age group. We did it!!!

I am still afraid to jump up and down. Still afraid to scream it from any roof top. I am however daydreaming about how I want the nursery to look, baby names, Scott feeding the baby and holding her (yes, when I picture my baby I picture a she, even though for years I had always wanted a he) and the love I will have for this little being inside of me already.

I am amazed at how well I feel at this point. Scared that I feel mostly normal. When I wake first thing in the morning, I have a hang over type of feel about me, that shortly disappears to me being me again, but for those brief seconds in the morning I know I am baking a little bean. Possibly here near Christmas.

From the beginning, I have always dreamed of having a Christmas baby. I am not sure why I would want one that time of year, but it was always exciting to me. A little present under the tree. I am due a little past Christmas, but I think it is funny how it all worked out how it did. First, my period before this IVF cycle was about 5 days early, had it been on time I would be looking at a New Year baby. Next, the clinic switch, had I stayed with my past clinic, they would have extended things out and I probably would not have cycled until May. My first clinic was always slow about things. First I would have not had my follow up appointment for 2 weeks after I had my appointment with the new clinic, but after that they would need to go through their whole board approval process. There would have been no way of me having a Christmas miracle. Here I am though.

As I said I am still affraid to deem this official. Hopefully seeing the little bean on U/S will help, hearing the heart beat? Each and every day I make it further into all this it will make it more real and me a bit more confident. Today I am pregnant though, so today I will dream a little more!


Kris said...

I am really shocked too. I am excited but I think hearing the hearbeat and seeing the baby on the ultrasound will make it more real for me. Other than some minor symptoms, I can't believe I am pregnant.

Anonymous said...

Hi Krissy, just wanted to say I am delighted for you! well done girl you deserve it! Fran

stacey said...

Yes, you are PREGNANT. And YAY for Christmas babies:-)

I gave you an award. YOu have to go to my blog to get it:-)

Bluebird said...

Dream away, sweet girl, dream away! I wonder when it will feel "real" for you. I saw a wonderful email one time about how infertiles always question/doubt - the ability to fully embrace and celebrate are something else "lost" . . . I'll see if I can find it :)