Monday, May 11, 2009

Not the best day yesterday...

It started out perfect. Scott surprised me with the most beautiful flowers and a perfect card that said how much of a wonderful mom I will be and how he can't wait. I really wasn't expecting anything, but since it has been 6 years of wishing to celebrate Mother's Day, I am glad he did think of me.

Next thing you know, I decided to have sex with him. My clinic has no restrictions. I had been nervous about it and haven't since the transfer, but threw caution to the wind. As we were in the heat of things, the phone starts to ring we ignore it, of course....

Well that is when our day goes down hill and fast.

I look down there is blood everywhere. Oh my God - what did I just do! I start to panic and cry and freak out. Scott tries to calm me saying in his book ( I got him a "man" book about pregnancy) says it is perfectly normal, things will be okay. I want none of that and get on the phone to call the nurse.

As I am calling the nurse on my cell, Scott is checking the message that we got when we ignored the phone...

My nurse reassures me everything is fine, that the cervix when pregnant becomes more vascular and the pressure from sex sometimes causes blood. She said it should taper off in a little while and to call back in the morning to give them an update, if I was still bleeding they would move up my u/s from Wednesday to Monday. Okay, Scott and his man book were right, I feel better although still nervous the bleeding won't stop.

I go to tell Scott everything is okay and he says "My dad had another heart attack, he is being transferred from rehab to the hospital"

Shit! His dad had been showing improvement, although he developed pneumonia last week. He had been on antibiotics and working through that and now this. Again. Scott leaves to go to the hospital, I put my feet up and pray the bleeding stop. The bleeding does taper off. A few spots of brown after a couple of hours. Now I can change my entire focus to Scott's dad. Pray for him to make it. Scott calls to update me. His dad is stable and will be given a pace maker tomorrow.

Now we are back praying with all our might for two things again. Just like when we started the stims for this IVF - for Scott's dad to make it and be all right and for this baby to make it and be all right.


Bluebird said...

Oh my gosh honey I am so, so sorry you had these stressors! I'm hoping and praying that both work out just fine.

Flower said...

What a scare...i saw your other post...glad to know everything is ok