Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My first u/s was today.

I get there at 9:30 on the dot. And then I wait and wait some more until they call me in at about 10:15. Finally!

The u/s tech was great. She located everything really fast then turned the machine so we could both see and said "there is your little one, there is just one" Knowing we transferred three. She then looked at Scott and said "you see that flicker?" Scott says "yep" She smiles and says "that is the heart beat". At that moment Scott's jaw dropped and his eyes got big, just like a little kid in amazement "Hello little critter" he says to the machine. I was not sure what to look at more, Scott's reaction or the flicker on the machine!

Everything was perfect, measurments are right where they should be, heartbeat at 121bpm. Perfect. I have a little bitty perfect one and I feel so relieved and amazed!

I spoke with the nurse practitioner on my case and she asked me if I had any questions. The only one I had was if they could draw my TSH levels to make sure they are okay. They did that and it came back slightly elevated. So I need to adjust my synthroid and am waiting on my PCP to call me with the adjustment. Scott's only question for her was why I wasn't getting morning sickness. I kicked him under the desk for jinxing me and the NP said it was perfectly fine not to have it and I could still get it soon. If I do, he is in trouble!

Then I graduated! I get to see an OB and am released from my RE! I am like every other pregnant woman out there. I finally made it to the other side!!! Oh I wish I could relay the pure joy my heart feels. If I had energy I think I would run up and down the street screaming "woohoo we did it!"


Flower said...

so glad yall got to see the heartbeat...just perfect.

Lady Lazarus said...

Congratulations on graduating to the next step! You must be both incredibly relieved and excited all at the same time. I hope you enjoy a problem-free pregnancy; you really deserve it. I'm on my 2ww...I hope to follow in your footsteps shortly...

Bluebird said...

Fabulous! Happy graduation :)

stacey said...

Awwww...this made me tear up. I'm so glad everything looks good!

Kristen said...

What a wonderful appointment. I said out loud "awww" when you wrote about Scott saying "hello little critter". LOL! Congrats on graduating!!!