Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Kind of waiting for something to go wrong

I never asked when I would be starting this IVF cycle. I assumed my case would go through the IVF board, like last time, and I would get a calender in the mail with all the dates.
Well I never canceled my Hysterscopy appointment that was supposed to be yesterday. It totally left my mind the second my Dr. told me the nurse screwed up and I did not actually need it. It reentered my mind last night when it was too late to do anything about it.

The way I rationalized it away is that it was their fuck up, why should I have to take time out of my busy day to cancel the appointment? Now I am thinking that this will cause further fuck ups along the way. Like what if they do not send my case to the board now. The new nurse doesn't seem like the brightest bulb. Have I ever told you how much I miss Carol? She left right before my first IVF, but she stayed on part time to train Dippy for a few weeks after that, so she was still coordinating most of my cycle, just in the back ground. 2 months later and she is completely gone and I am left with a nurse who can not read a chart, was clueless on where I could go for a blood draw ... and what else?

I know I need to just take a deep breathe, I do. My anxiety is way out of wack! Always is. I just miss having a person in charge of my case that knew more then I knew. Who was friendly and had the "Don't worry about a thing" mentality. My new nurse did not even wish me luck when I was leaving the office. And now I am worrying about everything!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I'm sorry your nurse sucks. Mine never remembers the details of where we are and what we are doing. It must be a prerequisite for working at the REs office.