Sunday, October 26, 2008

My anniversary is coming

One that I wish not to be celebrating. Last year at this time I had finally gotten my thyroid levels in check for longer then just a few short months and was hoping that was all I needed to be pregnant.

We decided to give 6 months of timed intercourse a shot. Hopeful that my hypothyroidism and elevated prolactin levels that came alog with it was the cause of my infertility. The six months would be coming to an end near my 36th birthday. Then I would call an RE. I had already given up on time intercourse for quite some time. Scott was not on the same page as me. He needed longer and I respected that he did.

I made the call on my birthday. I never expected to get in to them before Thanksgiving, but a week before Thanksgiving we were scheduled. I was excited but nervous. Here we are a year later. Lots of testing, three IUIs, and an IVF cycle and a few months of wanted and unwanted breaks in between and no baby or even a baby bump or two lines to show for it.

I remember my first IUI and how excited I was, there was never any doubt that it would not work. Counting 9 months ahead to get an estimated due date of around Halloween.

Here we are at halloween now and nothing to show for it.

I try to remain hopeful that IVF#2 will be the one. Counting ahead on my calender I figure ER and ET to be scheduled right before Christmas and of course that would make BETA scheduled for right around New Years. How special would it be for 2009 to be rung in with a BFP? Nine has always been my lucky number after all.

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