Friday, January 29, 2010

Two months

I probably should give up this blogging thing since I have been so bad at it. It is just hard to get free time where I am not on the clock to get other things done before Dillon wakes up. I have yet to master one handed typing when I am holding him, which lately has been a lot. It seems he decided the only place he likes to nap is on me!

He is doing wonderfully. He close to doubled his birth weight. He is now 9 pounds and 10 ounces! My chunky monkey!

He got his two month shots yesterday and it broke my heart. The nurses had me hold his hands as they did tandem shots in both legs. As soon as the needles went in, tears welled in his eyes and he gripped my hands tighter. Then he looked at me with a look of terror on his face. I nearly cried myself. When we got home, he was cranky. Pretty much all night he needed to be heard. Now he is sleeping the day away.

He also has thrush and was given medicine for it. I wounder how the medicine will work since I can't seem to get him to keep it in his mouth! Is there a trick to that?

Milestones. None really. He still has not smiled. At least anything I have noticed as a real smile. Sometimes he smirks and does and "Elvis lip" where one side of his mouth will curve. My mom said not to worry, three months is the magic number. I keep seeing pictures of 1-2 month old babies smiling though and wonder what's going on!

He loves his play mat. He can sit there for a long time just kicking his legs and reaching for toys. The other day I had thought he may have it in him to turn himself over, he was reaching so hard for an elephant. Then he got frustrated and that ended.

I went back to work. It is hard to mix the baby and work. I have been exhausted! Luckily Scott is a huge help and still takes over when he gets home from work for a couple of hours so I can nap. We had a few day stretch of Dillon sleeping 6-7 hours. But the last few days he has been back to 3 hours.

Now we need to establish some type of routine for our family. Scott stopped going to the gym after work to help me. I stopped doing errands in the afternoons because I did not want to take Dillon out too much before his vaccines. Well, I'll let you know how we do with that next time!

1 comment:

Damsel in need of De-Stress! said...

Yes, being a mom takes TONS of time....i still check back her about once a week though, just to see if you have a new post.

No worries on the 'well, he isnt doing that yet, and a book/friend/parent/TV says he should be by now' issues...babies do what they do, on their own time :P

They say you can't spoil a baby for the first 6 weeks...and you really cant, but after that....well....

I can't remember if you are going to be working from home or if you are working outside of home. But either way, its very good idea to start weening the 'hold until sleeping' thing..TRUST ME. The faster he learns how to fall asleep on his own, the faster you will be sleeping through the night.

Also, its easier on both him and any baby sitter you might need to take him to if he is comfortable with putting himself to sleep.

IT took us while I wanted to hold him until he was 18 :P I forced myself to make him fall asleep in his crib...if that took crying for an hour, well...unfortunetly, it had to be done for both our sakes. He was 6 months old before he finally started sleeping 6-8 hours straight on a nightly basis.

As far as the trush goes...i dont know how your doctor told you to do it, but first we would take an extra dropper and rinse his mouth out with water. Then we would first saturate a cotton swab and rub it on his tongue...then we would put little drops on the bottom between his gum and cheek.

It took a good month, but it finally went away. Another thing we did was change his sheets alot, and boil everything he put in his mouth that day.

HUGS!! sounds like your doing very well!