Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday is before Tuesday

The rounds with my doctor did not go so hot. She said she was hoping to spring me out today as a surprise but my urine came back with higher protein again - in the 1000's. She did says she will attribute the high b/p to the events of yesterday, if today's go back down to where they were and they are back down, but after all this she is baffled and is going back to her pre-e diagnosis.

I will still see a urologist tomorrow, she reran my liver function blood work and I am now peeing in a stainer in hopes to find some speck of a stone that I am passing. I am not hopeful for tomorrow at all. All I can see is this specialist wanting to run even more testing. I just wish I knew for sure what all this is!

Now for my daily whine:

I hate ALL the food here. The coffee tastes like it is 3 days old. I hate b/p check and being woken up at 6am to get a b/p check when technically I should be resting. I also am convinced my no roommate luck will be over by the end of the day and am sure I will get ZERO sleep tonight. I am having portobella mushrooms stuffed with Gorgonzola cheese. Sounds good doesn't it? I know it will taste like ass though.


Jenn said...

I've always said that a hospital is no place to get better!!!

Ok It's time to call hubby and get him to hook you up with a DVD player, headphones and some good movies! Along with that, he must pack you a picnic basket full of goodies that you can snack on instead of eating "ass"!

It's time to buckle down and make the best of this crappy situation....CALL IN THE REINFORCEMENTS!!!

Bella said...

I'm so sorry, sweetie. I agree with pp, you need to get some good snacks in there! I hope you can get out tomorrow! ((HUGS))

Disneylover1971 said...

My mom came and visited me and brought me ever flavor of DOrito known to man! Hubby brought me in a bag of my favorite chocolate wafer cookies.
I am eating like a champ, just nothing good for you! Then the "real" food I get for dinner and breakfast is nasty (although they haven't screwed up my bagel yet)