Thursday, September 24, 2009

Official dx - Preeclampsia

So I got the call today that my urine showed slight elevation of protein. They wanted me to come in this afternoon to repeat the urine test and blood pressure.

My blood pressure is considered borderline at 140/60 but I need to wait to see what the protein levels come back at. I was given the container for a 24 hour urine test, where basically I will pee in a bucket for 24 hours and they will test how much protein is in my urine for that 24 hours. They told me they would call and let me know when to do it, if not for this weekend then sometime soon.

I will also see my doctor once a week for the foreseeable future for repeats of blood pressure and urine. They are being proactive, but I am nervous none the less. My mom had Pre - E with my sister and things turned out all right on that end, she did need a C-section however. Of course I need to not freak Scott out. He is nervous. Very nervous about everything I do (Have I ever told you guys how much I love him) so I do not want to freak him out at this point. Hopefully he is not goog-ling - because I freaked out when I goog-led.

The Mayo clinics site was the best, so I will stick with them. Pre-E is common, common in older woman's pregnancies and if watched carefully all should be all right. What gives me some relief is that I am 26 weeks at this point, so I am almost at the home stretch. I just need to take it one week at a time.

1 comment:

Damsel in need of De-Stress! said...

seriously, dont freak....My best advice to you (having gone through Pre-E myself), stay off your feet as much as you can. Drink TONS of fluid (ice water is best) and while its hard...try not to stress.

To help my stress i got one of those at home 'i can hear my babies heart beat' 40 bucks i ever spent. I would sit with my feet propped up warm blanket over me and snooze to the sound of his heart beat.

Like you said...its totally common. Stay away from walking to much, standing to much, and all around doing to much so that your blood pressure stays down as low as possible.

OH...and before he puts you on bedrest (i had to go on it for about a month)....stock up on easy meals, books, and me, you totally run out of things to do in the first day :P