Friday, August 1, 2008

Isn't it ironic - don't ya think?

So I took my first BCP last night. I was actually nervous to take it. I had never been on BCP before. Ever. That's right, you heard correctly, this 36 year old never once was on the pill. I never wanted to add hormones to my body. I thought some how it was bad for me. Like when I wanted too I would not get pregnant HA HA. Ironic that I need them to get pregnant huh? So I relied on condoms and the good old pull and pray with serious boyfriends... I guess I didn't need to pray that hard?

Anyway, I digress... I was nervous and expecting to feel sick or something , but I felt nothing. I feel pretty silly for worrying about it too. Granted it was only my first pill and who knows what the coming week will bring, but so far so good.

My IVF nurse didn't call with my plan either. I kept checking my cell phone at work to see if I had a message, but nothing was on there. So I guess I have to wait until Monday to call her. I am really curious how long I will be on BCP and lupron so I can estimate an egg retrieval date. Guess it can wait a couple more days.

I have a busy weekend so I should be able to keep my mind off of it for a few minutes at least. We go to the Red Sox game Sunday and tomorrow I have lots of laundry and house cleaning to do. Can you believe I slacked and took the week off of cleaning after the vacation? I can't, but it catches up to you and now I have to make up for it tomorrow. At least it is supposed to rain, so that will get me motivated.

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